
Official title: master of science in engineering

IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire

Training duration

2 years

Average academic cost found without insurance

8 300€


Accreditation Provider: CTI

Prerequisite of the training

Bachelor (or equivalent)

Formation type

  • Initial education


  • Networks (Computer), Electrical Engineering, Energy, Industrial

M1 section is taught by

  • Location depends on your TAF selection

M2 section is taught by

  • Location depends on your TAF selection

Training description

In-depth study themes or TAFs :
- one TAF per year
- TAFs are formed by core courses and elective courses
- period 1 : 60 ECTS

In-depth study themes or TAFs :
- one TAF per year
- TAFs are formed by core courses and elective courses
- period 2 : 60 ECTS

master of science in engineering

Language level prerequisites

The minimum language level required, namely : B1 in French and B2 in English will be verified no later than end of April, 2024 (to be confirmed in your academic offer)

Course language

Only French

Language requirement to graduate

French B2
English B2

IELTS 6.5 required to be graduated.

M1 Part


Location depends on your TAF selection
Nantes campus, Brest campus, Rennes campus

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Economics / Human and Social Science 3.00 80.00 French
Projects 6.00 120.00 French
Languages and interculturality 4.00 120.00 Fr or En
Career coaching 1.00 20.00 French
Intersemester course 1.00 20.00 Fr or En
Sports 1.00 24.00 French
Choose 1 Internship
2-month internship 7.00 300.00 French
4-month internship 15.00 600.00 French
Choose 1 among 20 of the LIST OF TAF
Modeling, analysis and simulation of mechatronics systems 3.00 80.00 French
From perception to action: robust control of dynamic systems 3.00 80.00 French
Identification and estimation of signals and dynamic systems 3.00 80.00 French
Implementation of control or diagnostic algorithms 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial issues 3.00 80.00 French
Management of the company’s performance 3.00 80.00 French
Engineering of complex systems 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Prototyping robotic systems 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced control methodology 3.00 80.00 French
Embedded systems 3.00 80.00 French
Smart transports 3.00 80.00 French
Cyber-physical systems optimization 3.00 80.00 French
Real time and distributed information systems 3.00 80.00 French
User centered design 3.00 80.00 French
Papid prototyping and agile development 3.00 80.00 French
The object in its environment 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Advanced methods of programing and software development 3.00 80.00 French
Radio software 3.00 80.00 French
Decrypting a market 3.00 80.00 French
Evaluation, acceptability and digital ressources 3.00 80.00 French
Internet of things, social web and semantic 3.00 80.00 French
New techniques and uses of visualisation and interactive display 3.00 80.00 French
Web applications Engineering 3.00 80.00 French
AI – optimised implementation 3.00 80.00 French
Connected medical devices 3.00 80.00 French
Development of mobile devices 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to AI 3.00 80.00 French
Sensors and Energy 3.00 80.00 French
Innovation Ecosystem 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to AI 3.00 80.00 French
Electronics integration: from the algorithm to the prototype 3.00 80.00 French
Operation management 3.00 80.00 French
Modeling languages and technics 3.00 80.00 French
Operations research 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced operations research 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial issues 3.00 80.00 French
Management of the company’s performance 3.00 80.00 French
Engineering of complex systems 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
AI and constraint programing 3.00 80.00 French
Logisitic chain design 3.00 80.00 French
Transport 3.00 80.00 French
Implementation case: Decision, Optimisation and Responsability 3.00 80.00 French
Planification and sequencing 3.00 80.00 French
Networks basis 3.00 80.00 French
Networks Cybersecurity 3.00 80.00 French
Systems Cybersecurity 3.00 80.00 French
Evaluation, Analysis and Security certification 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial issues 3.00 80.00 French
System security architecture 3.00 80.00 French
Cyber in specific environment 3.00 80.00 French
Web applications and Databases Cybersecurity 3.00 80.00 French
Free choice of course 3.00 80.00 French
Data protection 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced methods for programing and software development 3.00 80.00 French
Developer’s econommic, organizational and legal environment 3.00 80.00 French
Sotware development engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Theoretical foundation of concurrent software development 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial issues 3.00 80.00 French
Management of the company’s performance 3.00 80.00 French
Engineering of complex systems 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Aspects of wide scale development 3.00 80.00 French
Big data: collect, process and operate large amounts of data 3.00 80.00 French
High performance computing 3.00 80.00 French
Web applications engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Logical architecture and component based programing 3.00 80.00 French
Man-machine interaction – user experience 3.00 80.00 French
Certified programing 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced methods for programing and software development 3.00 80.00 French
Developer’s econommic, organizational and legal environment 3.00 80.00 French
Sotware development engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Theoretical foundation of concurrent software development 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Principles of computer networks through practise 3.00 80.00 French
Web applications engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Programing robotic systems 3.00 80.00 French
Cryptography and its applications 3.00 80.00 French
Apps development on mobile devices 3.00 80.00 French
« Userland » operating systems – service-oriented architectures and system programing 3.00 80.00 French
Languages and logics 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms design and analysis 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Innovative society 3.00 80.00 French
Digital strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Decoding a market 3.00 80.00 French
Company architecture and Information systems urbanisation 3.00 80.00 French
Assessment of user experience 3.00 80.00 French
Digital marketing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 3.00 80.00 French
Innovation Ecosystem 3.00 80.00 French
Company architecture and Information systems urbanisation 3.00 80.00 French
Business Engineer 3.00 80.00 French
Decision-making 3.00 80.00 French
Business Intelligence 3.00 80.00 French
Change management 3.00 80.00 French
Graph Theory and social networks analysis 3.00 80.00 French
Change management 3.00 80.00 French
Storytelling Dataviz 3.00 80.00 French
Steering tools for company management 3.00 80.00 French
Game theory and agent based modeling 3.00 80.00 French
Digital marketing and CRM 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
A journey to data scientist 1 3.00 80.00 French
A journey to data scientist 2 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Statistics and Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS) 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced C++ programing 3.00 80.00 French
Deep learning 3.00 80.00 French
Big Data & Cloud computing 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced data mining 3.00 80.00 French
Data mining cases deployment 3.00 80.00 French
Decision-making 3.00 80.00 French
Market finance 3.00 80.00 French
Language processing and text mining 3.00 80.00 French
AI algorithms optimisation 3.00 80.00 French
Business Intelligence 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced Big Data architecture 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to AI 3.00 80.00 French
Data sciences 3.00 80.00 French
Graph theory & social network Analysis 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced C++ programing 3.00 80.00 French
Learning analytics & learners follow-up 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to AI 3.00 80.00 French
Game theory & agent based modeling 3.00 80.00 French
Digital marketing 3.00 80.00 French
Nuclear physics 3.00 80.00 French
Fuel cycle 3.00 80.00 French
Nuclear reactors operation 3.00 80.00 French
Radio protection 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial issues 3.00 80.00 French
Management of the company’s performance 3.00 80.00 French
Engineering of complex systems 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Economy of energy 3.00 80.00 French
Fusion, GEN IV, Propulsion 3.00 80.00 French
Monte Carlo modeling in nuclear physics 3.00 80.00 French
Management of complex projects in the nuclear field 3.00 80.00 French
Anatomy & physiology for the design of medical devices & sensors 3.00 80.00 French
The digital patient 3.00 80.00 French
Health management: Information System organization 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Computer-aided medical interventions 3.00 80.00 French
Economy and health law 3.00 80.00 French
Principles of physics, system architecture, training and medical image processing 3.00 80.00 French
Connected medical devices 3.00 80.00 French
Dosimetry 3.00 80.00 French
Health information system, standards and security 3.00 80.00 French
Analysis of health data: epidemiology and decision-making 3.00 80.00 French
From the radioisotope to the radiopharmaceutical 3.00 80.00 French
Software engineering for MMIs and collaboration 3.00 80.00 French
Cognitive ergonomy for interaction 3.00 80.00 French
Social, legal and ergonomy principles of work within a collaborative network 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced methods for programing and software development 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Augmented reality 3.00 80.00 French
User experience evaluation 3.00 80.00 French
IoT Intelligence, social web and semantic 3.00 80.00 French
Collaborative virtual reality 3.00 80.00 French
Web Apps engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Language processing and data mining 3.00 80.00 French
Mobile Devices Developpment 3.00 80.00 French
Developing and deploying applications in the cloud 3.00 80.00 French
Information transport protocols 3.00 80.00 French
New economy models and digital law 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Security architecture of systems 3.00 80.00 French
Mobile networks 3.00 80.00 French
Wireless networks for IoT devices 3.00 80.00 French
Industrial networks 3.00 80.00 French
Distribution radio networks 3.00 80.00 French
Cyber-security in specified environments 3.00 80.00 French
Smart cities and transports 3.00 80.00 French
Computer networks basis 3.00 80.00 French
Mobile networks 3.00 80.00 French
Standardisation 3.00 80.00 French
Literature review project 3.00 80.00 French
Physical channels of communication 3.00 80.00 French
Digital communications 3.00 80.00 French
Transmission systems architecture and engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Error correction coding 3.00 80.00 French
Radio technologies 3.00 80.00 French
Receivers for digital communications: from principles to implementation 3.00 80.00 French
Data and applications security 3.00 80.00 French
Optical technologies 3.00 80.00 French
Computer networks through practise 3.00 80.00 French
Mobile networks 3.00 80.00 French
Data compression: from source coding to virtual reality 3.00 80.00 French
Optical networks 3.00 80.00 French
Electronic integration: from the algorithm to the prototype 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Stochastic modelling and analysis 3.00 80.00 French
Numerical methods 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Advanced C++ programing 3.00 80.00 French
Deep learning 3.00 80.00 French
Stochastic Dynamic Models 3.00 80.00 French
Big data & cloud computing 3.00 80.00 French
Statistical learning & sparse representations 3.00 80.00 French
Empirical finance 3.00 80.00 French
Computational Imaging 3.00 80.00 French
Deployment of data mining true cases 3.00 80.00 French
Markov chains & applications 3.00 80.00 French
Market finance 3.00 80.00 French
Computer vision 3.00 80.00 French
Portfolio management & trading algorithms 3.00 80.00 French
Projects on recent advances in machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Artificial intelligence 3.00 80.00 French
Projects on recent advances in machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Game theory and agent based modeling 3.00 80.00 French
Performance management 3.00 80.00 French
Risks management 3.00 80.00 French
Risks in change management 3.00 80.00 French
Uncertain optimisation 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial questions 3.00 80.00 French
Company performance management 3.00 80.00 French
Complex systems engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Environment energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and automatic learning 3.00 80.00 French
Operational effectiveness 3.00 80.00 French
Conception risk and performance 3.00 80.00 French
Maintenance in operational readiness 3.00 80.00 French
Economic performance 3.00 80.00 French
Performance assessment 3.00 80.00 French
Innovation, a risky approach 3.00 80.00 French
Network basis 3.00 80.00 French
Cloud platforms 3.00 80.00 French
Networks and platforms regulations 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Digital networks 3.00 80.00 French
Economy and platforms 3.00 80.00 French
Developing and deploying applications in the cloud 3.00 80.00 French
Blockchain et consensus: co-operation in digital platforms 3.00 80.00 French
Building a technico-commercial answer to an international call for tender 3.00 80.00 French
Networks virtualisation 3.00 80.00 French
Networks basics (Msc) 3.00 80.00 French
Mobile networks 3.00 80.00 French
Contents dissemination architectures 3.00 80.00 French
Service architecture for the Internet 3.00 80.00 French
Physics of wave propagation and sensors 3.00 80.00 French
Hardware architecture and sensors networks 3.00 80.00 French
Observation and perception systems engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Radio technologies 3.00 80.00 French
Acoustic systems: architectures and scales 3.00 80.00 French
Software radio: architecture and applications 3.00 80.00 French
Big data & Cloud computing 3.00 80.00 French
Electronic integration– from the algorithm to the prototype 3.00 80.00 French
Computational imaging 3.00 80.00 French
Robotic systems programing 3.00 80.00 French
Computer vision 3.00 80.00 French
2D and 3D artificial vision technology 3.00 80.00 French
Machine learning and multi-sensors database advanced processing 3.00 80.00 French
Project JANUS (CNES): Multi-academic partners project for a CubeSat conception 3.00 80.00 French
Robots modelling 3.00 80.00 French
Robots control 3.00 80.00 French
Innovation and robotisation 3.00 80.00 French
Contemporary managerial questions 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Company performance management 3.00 80.00 French
Complex systems engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Environment energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and automatic learning 3.00 80.00 French
Prototyping a robotic system 3.00 80.00 French
Bio-inspired robotics 3.00 80.00 French
Embedded systems 3.00 80.00 French
Cobotics and haptics 3.00 80.00 French
Distributed and real-time information systems 3.00 80.00 French
Digital and analogical integrated circuits 3.00 80.00 French
Methodologies: from the algorithm to the chip 3.00 80.00 French
Embedded systems: hardware-software interaction 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Advanced methods for programing and software development 3.00 80.00 French
Radiofrequencies technologies and devices 3.00 80.00 French
Seminar: Integrated circuits and systems conception (Grenoble) 3.00 80.00 French
Software radio: architecture and applications 3.00 80.00 French
Circuits high level conception 3.00 80.00 French
New techniques and uses of visualization and interactive display 3.00 80.00 French
AI – optimized implementations 3.00 80.00 French
Connected medical devices 3.00 80.00 French
Web applications engineering 3.00 80.00 French
AI– introduction 3.00 80.00 French
Energies and sensors 3.00 80.00 French
AI– introduction 3.00 80.00 French
Electronics integration– from the algorithm to the prototype 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental and energy issues 3.00 80.00 French
Energy grids 3.00 80.00 French
Strategic and socio-technical analysis of energy and environmental issues 3.00 80.00 French
Energy and environment risks and management 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial questions 3.00 80.00 French
Company performance management 3.00 80.00 French
Complex systems engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and automatic learning 3.00 80.00 French
Renewable energy production sectors 3.00 80.00 French
Building energy performances 3.00 80.00 French
Machines energy 3.00 80.00 French
Energy recovery and waste-to-energy and biomass processes 3.00 80.00 French
Building environmental performances 3.00 80.00 French
Energy systems and cycles 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental assessment 3.00 80.00 French
Sustainable cities and territories 3.00 80.00 French
Innovative low-carbon generation technologies 3.00 80.00 French

M2 Part


Location depends on your TAF selection
Nantes campus, Brest campus, Rennes campus

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Networked systems 3.00 80.00 French
Languages and interculturality 4.00 120.00 French
Career coaching 1.00 20.00 Fr or En
Sports 0.00 12.00 French
Choose 1 Internship
4-month internship 15.00 600.00 French
6-month internship 23.00 900.00 French
Choose 1 Project
Project 1 3.00 60.00 French
Project 2 6.00 120.00 French
Choose 1 among 20 of the LIST OF TAF (different from the one chosen for M1) (different from the one chosen for M1)
Modeling, analysis and simulation of mechatronics systems 3.00 80.00 French
From perception to action: robust control of dynamic systems 3.00 80.00 French
Identification and estimation of signals and dynamic systems 3.00 80.00 French
Implementation of control or diagnostic algorithms 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial issues 3.00 80.00 French
Management of the company’s performance 3.00 80.00 French
Engineering of complex systems 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Prototyping robotic systems 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced control methodology 3.00 80.00 French
Embedded systems 3.00 80.00 French
Smart transports 3.00 80.00 French
Cyber-physical systems optimization 3.00 80.00 French
Real time and distributed information systems 3.00 80.00 French
User centered design 3.00 80.00 French
Papid prototyping and agile development 3.00 80.00 French
The object in its environment 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Advanced methods of programing and software development 3.00 80.00 French
Radio software 3.00 80.00 French
Decrypting a market 3.00 80.00 French
Evaluation, acceptability and digital ressources 3.00 80.00 French
Internet of things, social web and semantic 3.00 80.00 French
New techniques and uses of visualisation and interactive display 3.00 80.00 French
Web applications Engineering 3.00 80.00 French
AI – optimised implementation 3.00 80.00 French
Connected medical devices 3.00 80.00 French
Development of mobile devices 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to AI 3.00 80.00 French
Sensors and Energy 3.00 80.00 French
Innovation Ecosystem 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to AI 3.00 80.00 French
Electronics integration: from the algorithm to the prototype 3.00 80.00 French
Operation management 3.00 80.00 French
Modeling languages and technics 3.00 80.00 French
Operations research 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced operations research 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial issues 3.00 80.00 French
Management of the company’s performance 3.00 80.00 French
Engineering of complex systems 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
AI and constraint programing 3.00 80.00 French
Logisitic chain design 3.00 80.00 French
Transport 3.00 80.00 French
Implementation case: Decision, Optimisation and Responsability 3.00 80.00 French
Planification and sequencing 3.00 80.00 French
Networks basis 3.00 80.00 French
Networks Cybersecurity 3.00 80.00 French
Systems Cybersecurity 3.00 80.00 French
Evaluation, Analysis and Security certification 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial issues 3.00 80.00 French
System security architecture 3.00 80.00 French
Cyber in specific environment 3.00 80.00 French
Web applications and Databases Cybersecurity 3.00 80.00 French
Free choice of course 3.00 80.00 French
Data protection 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced methods for programing and software development 3.00 80.00 French
Developer’s econommic, organizational and legal environment 3.00 80.00 French
Sotware development engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Theoretical foundation of concurrent software development 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial issues 3.00 80.00 French
Management of the company’s performance 3.00 80.00 French
Engineering of complex systems 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Aspects of wide scale development 3.00 80.00 French
Big data: collect, process and operate large amounts of data 3.00 80.00 French
High performance computing 3.00 80.00 French
Web applications engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Logical architecture and component based programing 3.00 80.00 French
Man-machine interaction – user experience 3.00 80.00 French
Certified programing 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced methods for programing and software development 3.00 80.00 French
Developer’s econommic, organizational and legal environment 3.00 80.00 French
Sotware development engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Theoretical foundation of concurrent software development 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Principles of computer networks through practise 3.00 80.00 French
Web applications engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Programing robotic systems 3.00 80.00 French
Cryptography and its applications 3.00 80.00 French
Apps development on mobile devices 3.00 80.00 French
« Userland » operating systems – service-oriented architectures and system programing 3.00 80.00 French
Languages and logics 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms design and analysis 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Innovative society 3.00 80.00 French
Digital strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Decoding a market 3.00 80.00 French
Company architecture and Information systems urbanisation 3.00 80.00 French
Assessment of user experience 3.00 80.00 French
Digital marketing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 3.00 80.00 French
Innovation Ecosystem 3.00 80.00 French
Company architecture and Information systems urbanisation 3.00 80.00 French
Business Engineer 3.00 80.00 French
Decision-making 3.00 80.00 French
Business Intelligence 3.00 80.00 French
Change management 3.00 80.00 French
Graph Theory and social networks analysis 3.00 80.00 French
Change management 3.00 80.00 French
Storytelling Dataviz 3.00 80.00 French
Steering tools for company management 3.00 80.00 French
Game theory and agent based modeling 3.00 80.00 French
Digital marketing and CRM 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
A journey to data scientist 1 3.00 80.00 French
A journey to data scientist 2 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Statistics and Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS) 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced C++ programing 3.00 80.00 French
Deep learning 3.00 80.00 French
Big Data & Cloud computing 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced data mining 3.00 80.00 French
Data mining cases deployment 3.00 80.00 French
Decision-making 3.00 80.00 French
Market finance 3.00 80.00 French
Language processing and text mining 3.00 80.00 French
AI algorithms optimisation 3.00 80.00 French
Business Intelligence 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced Big Data architecture 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to AI 3.00 80.00 French
Data sciences 3.00 80.00 French
Graph theory & social network Analysis 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced C++ programing 3.00 80.00 French
Learning analytics & learners follow-up 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to AI 3.00 80.00 French
Game theory & agent based modeling 3.00 80.00 French
Digital marketing 3.00 80.00 French
Nuclear physics 3.00 80.00 French
Fuel cycle 3.00 80.00 French
Nuclear reactors operation 3.00 80.00 French
Radio protection 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial issues 3.00 80.00 French
Management of the company’s performance 3.00 80.00 French
Engineering of complex systems 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Economy of energy 3.00 80.00 French
Fusion, GEN IV, Propulsion 3.00 80.00 French
Monte Carlo modeling in nuclear physics 3.00 80.00 French
Management of complex projects in the nuclear field 3.00 80.00 French
Anatomy & physiology for the design of medical devices & sensors 3.00 80.00 French
The digital patient 3.00 80.00 French
Health management: Information System organization 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Computer-aided medical interventions 3.00 80.00 French
Economy and health law 3.00 80.00 French
Principles of physics, system architecture, training and medical image processing 3.00 80.00 French
Connected medical devices 3.00 80.00 French
Dosimetry 3.00 80.00 French
Health information system, standards and security 3.00 80.00 French
Analysis of health data: epidemiology and decision-making 3.00 80.00 French
From the radioisotope to the radiopharmaceutical 3.00 80.00 French
Software engineering for MMIs and collaboration 3.00 80.00 French
Cognitive ergonomy for interaction 3.00 80.00 French
Social, legal and ergonomy principles of work within a collaborative network 3.00 80.00 French
Advanced methods for programing and software development 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Augmented reality 3.00 80.00 French
User experience evaluation 3.00 80.00 French
IoT Intelligence, social web and semantic 3.00 80.00 French
Collaborative virtual reality 3.00 80.00 French
Web Apps engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Language processing and data mining 3.00 80.00 French
Mobile Devices Developpment 3.00 80.00 French
Developing and deploying applications in the cloud 3.00 80.00 French
Information transport protocols 3.00 80.00 French
New economy models and digital law 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Security architecture of systems 3.00 80.00 French
Mobile networks 3.00 80.00 French
Wireless networks for IoT devices 3.00 80.00 French
Industrial networks 3.00 80.00 French
Distribution radio networks 3.00 80.00 French
Cyber-security in specified environments 3.00 80.00 French
Smart cities and transports 3.00 80.00 French
Computer networks basis 3.00 80.00 French
Mobile networks 3.00 80.00 French
Standardisation 3.00 80.00 French
Literature review project 3.00 80.00 French
Physical channels of communication 3.00 80.00 French
Digital communications 3.00 80.00 French
Transmission systems architecture and engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Error correction coding 3.00 80.00 French
Radio technologies 3.00 80.00 French
Receivers for digital communications: from principles to implementation 3.00 80.00 French
Data and applications security 3.00 80.00 French
Optical technologies 3.00 80.00 French
Computer networks through practise 3.00 80.00 French
Mobile networks 3.00 80.00 French
Data compression: from source coding to virtual reality 3.00 80.00 French
Optical networks 3.00 80.00 French
Electronic integration: from the algorithm to the prototype 3.00 80.00 French
Introduction to machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Stochastic modelling and analysis 3.00 80.00 French
Numerical methods 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Advanced C++ programing 3.00 80.00 French
Deep learning 3.00 80.00 French
Stochastic Dynamic Models 3.00 80.00 French
Big data & cloud computing 3.00 80.00 French
Statistical learning & sparse representations 3.00 80.00 French
Empirical finance 3.00 80.00 French
Computational Imaging 3.00 80.00 French
Deployment of data mining true cases 3.00 80.00 French
Markov chains & applications 3.00 80.00 French
Market finance 3.00 80.00 French
Computer vision 3.00 80.00 French
Portfolio management & trading algorithms 3.00 80.00 French
Projects on recent advances in machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Artificial intelligence 3.00 80.00 French
Projects on recent advances in machine learning 3.00 80.00 French
Game theory and agent based modeling 3.00 80.00 French
Performance management 3.00 80.00 French
Risks management 3.00 80.00 French
Risks in change management 3.00 80.00 French
Uncertain optimisation 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial questions 3.00 80.00 French
Company performance management 3.00 80.00 French
Complex systems engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Environment energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and automatic learning 3.00 80.00 French
Operational effectiveness 3.00 80.00 French
Conception risk and performance 3.00 80.00 French
Maintenance in operational readiness 3.00 80.00 French
Economic performance 3.00 80.00 French
Performance assessment 3.00 80.00 French
Innovation, a risky approach 3.00 80.00 French
Network basis 3.00 80.00 French
Cloud platforms 3.00 80.00 French
Networks and platforms regulations 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Digital networks 3.00 80.00 French
Economy and platforms 3.00 80.00 French
Developing and deploying applications in the cloud 3.00 80.00 French
Blockchain et consensus: co-operation in digital platforms 3.00 80.00 French
Building a technico-commercial answer to an international call for tender 3.00 80.00 French
Networks virtualisation 3.00 80.00 French
Networks basics (Msc) 3.00 80.00 French
Mobile networks 3.00 80.00 French
Contents dissemination architectures 3.00 80.00 French
Service architecture for the Internet 3.00 80.00 French
Physics of wave propagation and sensors 3.00 80.00 French
Hardware architecture and sensors networks 3.00 80.00 French
Observation and perception systems engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Radio technologies 3.00 80.00 French
Acoustic systems: architectures and scales 3.00 80.00 French
Software radio: architecture and applications 3.00 80.00 French
Big data & Cloud computing 3.00 80.00 French
Electronic integration– from the algorithm to the prototype 3.00 80.00 French
Computational imaging 3.00 80.00 French
Robotic systems programing 3.00 80.00 French
Computer vision 3.00 80.00 French
2D and 3D artificial vision technology 3.00 80.00 French
Machine learning and multi-sensors database advanced processing 3.00 80.00 French
Project JANUS (CNES): Multi-academic partners project for a CubeSat conception 3.00 80.00 French
Robots modelling 3.00 80.00 French
Robots control 3.00 80.00 French
Innovation and robotisation 3.00 80.00 French
Contemporary managerial questions 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Company performance management 3.00 80.00 French
Complex systems engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Environment energy: issues and strategies 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and automatic learning 3.00 80.00 French
Prototyping a robotic system 3.00 80.00 French
Bio-inspired robotics 3.00 80.00 French
Embedded systems 3.00 80.00 French
Cobotics and haptics 3.00 80.00 French
Distributed and real-time information systems 3.00 80.00 French
Digital and analogical integrated circuits 3.00 80.00 French
Methodologies: from the algorithm to the chip 3.00 80.00 French
Embedded systems: hardware-software interaction 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Advanced methods for programing and software development 3.00 80.00 French
Radiofrequencies technologies and devices 3.00 80.00 French
Seminar: Integrated circuits and systems conception (Grenoble) 3.00 80.00 French
Software radio: architecture and applications 3.00 80.00 French
Circuits high level conception 3.00 80.00 French
New techniques and uses of visualization and interactive display 3.00 80.00 French
AI – optimized implementations 3.00 80.00 French
Connected medical devices 3.00 80.00 French
Web applications engineering 3.00 80.00 French
AI– introduction 3.00 80.00 French
Energies and sensors 3.00 80.00 French
AI– introduction 3.00 80.00 French
Electronics integration– from the algorithm to the prototype 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental and energy issues 3.00 80.00 French
Energy grids 3.00 80.00 French
Strategic and socio-technical analysis of energy and environmental issues 3.00 80.00 French
Energy and environment risks and management 3.00 80.00 French
Elective courses
Contemporary managerial questions 3.00 80.00 French
Company performance management 3.00 80.00 French
Complex systems engineering 3.00 80.00 French
Algorithms and automatic learning 3.00 80.00 French
Renewable energy production sectors 3.00 80.00 French
Building energy performances 3.00 80.00 French
Machines energy 3.00 80.00 French
Energy recovery and waste-to-energy and biomass processes 3.00 80.00 French
Building environmental performances 3.00 80.00 French
Energy systems and cycles 3.00 80.00 French
Environmental assessment 3.00 80.00 French
Sustainable cities and territories 3.00 80.00 French
Innovative low-carbon generation technologies 3.00 80.00 French