
Legal notices


Updated on February 13th, 2019

This website is the official site of Network "n+i", a not for profit association (Siret registration number: 452 644 255 000 39).

Contact us:
Réseau "n+i", 11 rue Carrier-Belleuse - 75015 Paris - France
Email : Contact us.

Site Management

Publisher: Georges Santini, Executive Director of the Network "n+i".
Webmaster: Guillaume Picard
Hosted by: Waycom International


This site is registered with the CNIL (data protection committee) under number 771778.

Members of the "n+i" network who have access to students' personal data undertake to observe utmost discretion. (Partners also sign the CNIL charter).

In compliance with article 34 of the French data protection act of 6th January 1978, you have the right to access any files holding your personal data. Should you wish to exercise this right, please: Contact us.

Protection and respect of your personal data

The General Data Protection Regulation, or "GDPR", which comes into force on May 25, 2018, grants individuals certain rights with respect to their personal data.

As a result, we have implemented additional controls and transparency measures to help users benefit from these rights.

Is defined as "user" anyone who has personal access to the site It may be a student who is applying to a program of study as well as a teacher from a member school, or a subcontractor.

Protection of your data, and condition of use by "n+i" partners

The objective of service of Network n+i via its website is to nominate students for an application process for a project of study in France or abroad, directly or through members of its association: schools, research laboratories, companies, foreign universities.

Personal data are therefore available to the Network n+i, members of the n+i association and certain third parties such as (non-restrictive): Campus France desks; diplomatic posts, subcontractors, for the good execution of the service expected by the candidate.

All person who has access to the nplusi website with an access to the data of n+i applicants undertakes by the signature of a confidentiality charter to use these data only in the strict framework of the "n+i" procedure.

The personal data of the "n+i" applicants are only used for purposes of application and will not be transferred to third parties for commercial or marketing use.

The use of these data respects the legislation on the protection of personal data and is subject to the French and European legislative authority.

What personal data is stored on

In the below table are listed and described the elements stored on website and which are defined in this document as "personal data" of the user. Some categories apply only to one type of user: "Applicants".

Categories of personal data Category description
User account (applicant, service provider, member of the association)

Name, Surname, Email, login and password. Possibly phone number, login skype.

Application file (applicant)

All the components of the application form for a study stay in France such as: university curriculum, levels of study; wishes of institutions and training courses, letter of motivation, transcripts, copies of degrees, participation in an MCQ, interview of application.

Academic file (applicant)

The result of the study stay proposals that n+i transmits to the applicants.

Commercial and administrative documents (applicant, service provider, member of the association)

Documents that are transmitted by n+i or exchanged with the applicant.

Commercial documents such as quotations, invoices, credit notes, payment receipts, etc.

Administrative documents such as: recruitment certificate, package certificate, lodgment attestation, etc. Support messages (tickets)

Connexion logs to (applicant, service provider, member of the association)

Dates and IP addresses of users are stored for a limited time for security reasons.

Bank information (applicant, service provider)

When paying online only information identifying a transaction is stored on the site (transaction IDs, date, email, etc.).

No credit card number is stored on the website. With the first bank transaction, the Network n+i is likely to record and store the Bank Account Identity (RIB) for processing the user's file.

Important : the Bank Account Identity (RIB) can not be used or accepted by banks as a debit authorization.

Rights to rectification, forgetting and portability

Any user of the web site has a right to the rectification of his personal data within a reasonable limit regarding the respect to the application procedure. Each request for modification of the application file is therefore studied on a case by case basis.

Rights to rectification, forgetting and portability

Any user of the web site has a right to the rectification of his personal data within a reasonable limit regarding the respect to the application procedure. Each request for modification of the application file is therefore studied on a case by case basis.

Any user can request the cancellation of his application and thus lose the services related to it.

Any user can request the archiving of his file which will be anonymized so that his personal data are "forgotten". The request will be studied according to the personal case of the user (see "Data retention").

Once archived all "personal data" will be lost: identity and account of the user, application file, messages of assistance, personal documents, commercial documents; leaving only internal information for statistical purpose only, these information will no longer allow the link with the original user.

The archiving operation is irreversible, once archived no personal information can be requested (portability) or rectified.

If he wishes, a user can request the portability of his personal data. His request can only be made through the website using the support interfaces and requires verification of the user's identity.

Data retention

The personal data of the users are kept for a limited duration according to certain constraints:

Files that no longer require action from nplusi (incomplete application, unsuccessful application, etc.) are archived at the beginning of the new recruitment campaign (see calendar on the site).

Applicants arrived in France and other users (schools, etc.) have their data stored on the nplusi website, until the archiving request or at the end of the partner's membership.

Any user of the website may request the archiving of his personal data in order to no longer be identified.

This request will be examined according to what the law authorize us or compels us to keep certain personal data, in particular in the following situations:

  • If there is an unresolved issue with the account, such as unpaid or unresolved claim or litigation, the Network "n+i" will retain the necessary personal data until the issue is resolved;
  • If the Network "n+i" is required to retain personal data as a result of legal, tax, auditing and accounting obligations, then Network "n+i" will retain the necessary personal data for the period required by applicable law;

Newsletter and email notification

Users of the nplusi website receive messages from nplusi of different nature:

  • "Non-critical system" notifications: automated information sent by the nplusi website (actions to complete, calendar reminder etc.).
  • "Messaging" notifications: assistance, application procedure, academic information, commercial notification etc.
  • Newsletters of information, invitation to events etc.

By default, email notifications for these messages are disabled, and are represented as alerts in the user's dashboard.

We strongly recommend users to activate these email notifications to prevent to miss an information that may be essential to the smooth running of their application (missing file elements, specific academic or financial proposals subject to a response time, etc.).

By way of exception, "critical system notifications" that are essential for the website to function properly can not be deactivated: creation of user account, retrieval or modification of user ids, confirmation of online payment, simplified registration, etc.

Management of our subcontractors

Our subcontractors have very limited information on the applicants who are essential for the work of the service provider (identity of the candidate for example).

"n+i" personal data can not be used by the subcontractor outside the framework defined by the Network n+i.

Strict respect of the confidentiality of personal information is a constituent aspect of the contract with the subcontractor.

Implications of the regulation on the internal organization of Network n+i

In order to ensure the smooth running of the services provided by the Network n+i, its participants have access to the personal data of the applicants.

Each n+i participant has signed a confidentiality charter for the n+i website in which each participant is informed of his responsibility regarding the information available on the nplusi website.

This is why no personal information can be communicated to a third party such as, for exemple, a relative / friend who would ask to follow the progress of an application.

"n+i" applicants must contact individually n+i for their file and their personal case only (and not for someone else) by using the support tools available on or during a appointment in person with presentation of a proof of identity.

Security and responsibility

Each user of the web site (applicant, school member, etc.) has a nplusi id (login and password).

This nplusi id is strictly the responsibility of the user and must not be communicated to a third party. This nplusi id will never be requested by an "n+i" employee.

The Network n+i is cautious about the security of its website and the information stored in it (encryption of information, security logs) but can not control the misuse that would be made of the "n+i" id or the dissemination of "n+i data" by the user on a third party platform.

Intellectual Property and copyright

The contents of this site are covered by French and international intellectual property and copyright laws. All reproduction rights are reserved. This includes downloadable documents, illustrations and photographs.

The reproduction of all or part of this site on any type of electronic medium is forbidden, except with the express authorisation of the Network "n+i".

Under article 41 of the bill of 11th March 1957 and the French intellectual property act (1st July 1992), the reproduction of all or part of this site for use in public is strictly forbidden without the express authorisation of the "n+i" network.

Le site website (text, graphics, photos etc.) constitutes a work protected by the French data protection act and by current international agreements on intellectual property. The violation of any one of these rights is considered to be forgery and can lead to legal proceedings.

Photography Credits
  • Network "n+i"
  • Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
  • Amélie Debray

Content and conditions of use

The content of the website is for information only. The site may include errors or omissions, in which case content will be modified or updated as quickly as possible. If you notice a broken link, omission or error, please use the contact form to let us know..

The "n+i" network cannot guarantee that this site covers the needs of all users.

Services for international students are provided as described in the agreement accepted and signed by students when they apply.

Hypertext links cannot be held responsible for internet sites which link to this site. The links on these pages may take users to sites which are not managed by

Cookies and Privacy

Last updated October 10th, 2014

Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website without storing any personally identifiable information about you. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer.

Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer's hard drive. The cookies we use are "analytical" cookies. They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the site when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.

None of our cookies store any personal information such as your name or address Please be aware that restricting cookies may impact on the functionality of the n+i website(s).

Cookies by 3rd party platforms and sites

To support our content publication, we sometimes embed photos or video content from websites such as Google Analytics, Youtube, Dailymotion, or Picasa. As a result, when you visit a page with content embedded from, for example, YouTube, Dailymotion or Picasa, you may be presented with cookies from these websites. We do not control the dissemination of these cookies.

You can find more information about the individual cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them in the table below:

Source of Cookie [name of cookie] Purpose
Network n+i [hasConsent] A cookie set by this site to record that a notice has been shown to site users stating the Network n+i cookie policy.
Google Analytics [_utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz] We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. to count visitors to our websites and analyse their usage of the site to help us determine the value of our content to our users.

Except for essential cookies, all cookies will expire after a period of time.

Turning off Cookies

You may refuse the use of cookies for statistical purposes by clicking here.

You can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. Below are links to the 'Help' pages of major browsers which explain how you can do this. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site or any other websites that you visit.

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