

Network "n+i"

Since 20 years, Network "n+i" has trained around 3 600 international engineers of 80 different nationalities.

Network "n+i", a non-profit making organization recognized by general interest, was created in 1997 under the initiative of the French Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs (CDEFI). It is led by an elected board of 12 engineering institutions directors.

Network "n+i" brings together about 38 French Engineering institutions of higher education (Arts et Métiers Paristech, INSA (s), Polytech (s), ENPC, etc.) who have chosen to mutualize their international cooperation efforts to attract and welcome high–caliber foreign students, who will be the future top executives of French and foreign companies over the world. 

In the current context of globalization where competition is fierce, engineering education is a challenge for French businesses who are hoping to grow internationally.

Network "n+i" supports them by offering solutions to train and gain loyalty of their future bicultural and trilingual engineers, the tomorrow's economic decision-makers.

Closely with the relevant Ministries and its representatives and with the support of institutions promoting French interests abroad (Campus France, French Alliances, Chambers of commerce, etc.), Network "n+i" has trained nearly 3 600 engineers coming from the best universities of more than 80 countries, out of which 35% are women.


The Network "n+i" is a consortium of over 40 French Grandes Ecoles d'Ingénieurs. For more than 25 years it has been the biggest network in France.

These schools have elected to combine their international cooperation operations so as to offer a better service to foreign students.

The Network "n+i" Engineering Institutes is a not for profit public benefit association (french law 1901).

The Network "n+i" is managed by a board of governors made up of 12 school directors elected by the member schools. This board itself elects a committee, consisting of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a secretary, a treasurer and a vice-treasurer.

In 2024 the Network "n+i" Board of Governors had the following members:


  • Chairman: Mr Jean-Michel NICOLLE President of EPF Africa
  • Vice-Chairman: Mr Laurent CHAMPANEY Director General of Arts et Métiers ParisTech
  • Secretary: Mr Jean-Louis ALLARD Director of EI-CESI
  • Treasurer: Mrs Vanessa PROUX Director of SupBiotech


  • Mr Pascal BIDAN Director of ESTACA
  • Mr Gérard PIGNAULT Director General of CPE Lyon
  • Mr Jean Michel RENEAUME Director of ENSGTI Pau
  • Mr Emmanuel DUFLOS Director of EPF
  • Mr Bertrand RAQUET Director of INSA Toulouse
  • Mr Radjesvarane ALEXANDRE Director of CY Tech

The Network "n+i" has created a complete programme (known as path to success) to help science and engineering students and young engineers wishing to study for a BachelorMaster in France.

The Network "n+i" is for students or young engineers with a degree in engineering science (BTech, BEng, BSc, BPhil, Licenciatura etc. or equivalent). The network offers training for engineers aiming for an international career.

The Network "n+i" is a unique meeting point for:

  • Students,
  • Young engineers and professionals,
  • Schools and engineering courses and foreign universities,
  • Companies who recruit engineers with this sort of training,
  • Regional authorities,
  • Governments etc.  

….that are seeking to be more international.

Whether you are a student, a young engineer or a partner (school, university, company, region, diplomat), please consult the website where you are sure to find the answers to your questions. If you have any other questions, contact-us


The members of the "n+i" team

Mr SANTINI Georges, Executive Director, Prof.
Mrs LUCE Aude, Head of student affairs,
Mr PICARD Guillaume, Head of information system and communication,
Mr GRAND-PERRET Benjamin, software engineer,
Mrs WANG WeiWei, "n+i" Correspondent for China,

The Executive Director is appointed by the board of administration of the network "n+i"

He is responsible for ensuring the smooth running, promotion, recruitment and welcome of students according to the principles laid down by the network partners. He manages the team and the budgets.