
Official title: ESTP Engineering Degree


Training duration

3 years

Average academic cost found without insurance

28 950€


Accreditation Provider: CTI

Prerequisite of the training

before a Bachelor (or equivalent)

Formation type

  • Initial education


  • Structural, Environment(al), Civil Engineering, Construction

L3 section is taught by

  • Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie

M1 section is taught by

  • Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie

M2 section is taught by

  • Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie

ESTP Engineering Degree

Language level prerequisites

B2 in French or specific path to success will be required: foundation year and/or PIL (to be confirmed in your academic offer)

Course language

Only French

Language requirement to graduate

French B2
English B2

Niveaux B2 en Français et en Anglais pour être diplômé et tests de langue exigés (TFI à 710 et TOEIC à 805) C'est à l'étudiant d'atteindre ce niveau pour valider le diplôme de l'ESTP Paris donc le niveau à l'entrée de l'école, s'il est faible, pourrait être un frein.

B3 Part




Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie
28, Avenue du Président Wilson, 94234 Cachan Cedex

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Mastery of Techniques and Methods of the Engineer 10.00 126.50 French
Ability to manage 5.00 63.00 French
Scientific and digital tools 11.00 201.50 French
Soft skills and languages 4.00 99.00 French


Credits Hours Language
Ability to manage 5.00 65.00 French
Scientific and digital tools 9.00 134.00 French
Mastery of Techniques and Methods of the Engineer 8.00 106.50 French
Soft Skills and languages 4.00 90.00 French
Mastery of Techniques and Methods of the Public Works major 4.00 60.00 French

M1 Part




Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie
28, Avenue du Président Wilson, 94234 Cachan Cedex

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Mastery of Techniques and Methods of the Engineer 1 (Strength of Materials, Reinforced Concrete Design 1, Works Lab, Industrial and Research Project 1) 12.00 161.00 French
Mastery of Techniques and Methods of the Engineer 2 (Geotechnical Engineering 1, Roads, Earthworks, Applied Hydraulics, Prestressed Concrete Design 1) 12.00 132.00 French
Ability to communicate and to manage (Communication Skills, English 1, Cost accounting) 6.00 72.00 French


Credits Hours Language
Mastery of Techniques and Methods of the Engineer 1 (General methods for construction / construction machinery / Construction Techniques / Methodologies for Earthworks / Hydraulic services / Prestressed concrete 2 / Architecture and urban planning) 12.00 133.00 French
Mastery of Techniques and Methods of the Engineer 2 (structures design, Steel structures / Reinforced concrete 2 / Lab Works / Optional Industrial and Research Project 2) 12.00 144.00 French
Ability to communicate and to manage (Quality Management, Prevention – health – Safety / English 2 / Law of Public Works / Employment Law Practice / Ethical Management / Markets and Tender Dossier ) 6.00 83.00 French

M2 Part




Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie
28, Avenue du Président Wilson, 94234 Cachan Cedex

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Mastery of Techniques and Methods of the Engineer (compulsory courses) : Steel Structures 2 / Construction Pathology / Non-Destructive Testing / Building Information Modeling / Optional Industrial and Research Project. 5.00 42.00 French
Ability to communicate and to manage (compulsory courses) : Communication skills / Ethical Management / English / 1st year internship report / Mgmt Control - Financial Management / Management Techniques / Public Works Law / Markets and Tender 10.00 108.00 French
Choose 1 option(s) in 14 Electives Options (one mandatory option among the seven on the list below)
Landscape and Real Estate Planning 18.00 197.00 French
Structures 18.00 203.00 French
Engineering and International Relations 18.00 198.30 French
Sustainable Buildings and Cities 18.00 195.00 French
Building Information Modeling (BIM) 18.00 209.00 French
Constructability and Project Culture 18.00 172.00 French
Roads and Civil Engineering Structures 18.00 195.00 French
Real Estate Development 18.00 201.50 French
Underground Infrastructures and Works 18.00 202.00 French
Engineering and Energy Efficiency 18.00 200.00 French
Engineer and Designer (in Troyes) 18.00 200.00 French
Construction 4.0 (in Troyes) 18.00 200.00 French
New technologies applied to construction (in Dijon) 18.00 200.00 French
Entrepreneurship 18.00 200.00 Fr or En


Credits Hours Language
6 months Internship (Final project study) 30.00 French