
Proposed by Groupe INSA member of Network "n+i"

Organized by: INSA TOULOUSE
Domains: OptimisationInformatics - Computer ScienceStatistics
Duration: 2 weeks
Available language:
Required french level: Aucun
Required english level: B1
Required level of studies: licence/bachelor
Nature of certification: ECTS

 INSA Toulouse, 135 avenue de Rangueil 31400 Toulouse

Training description

 The aim of this series of Lectures is to provide the basic background for dealing with Optimization issues in deterministic and stochastic environment.

More specifically, we address the main features of smooth optimization algorithms with and without constraints: in addition to the theoretical material, we describe deterministic and stochastic gradient algorithms, Newton-type algorithms, least square algorithms.

This part will be completed by an introduction to nonsmooth optimization algorithms (sub gradient algorithms and proximal algorithms).

All these optimization algorithms will be implemented during practice classes with application to image processing.

The second part of the Lectures will be devoted to actual Statistical issues related to Machine Learning.

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