INSA Toulouse, 135 avenue de Rangueil 31400 Toulouse
Biorefineries and, nowadays, more broadly, the bio-economy concepts propose interesting approaches to produce commodity products by finding alternative solutions from conventional petrochemical routes.
The bioeconomy has been identified as a major theme at European and International levels for the development of processes and products using less fossil carbon.
The European Commission defines the bio-economy as "an economy that encompasses the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into products for human food and animal feed, bio-based products and bioenergy through efficient and innovative technologies "(definition EFIB2017).
Therefore, the value chain in bio-economy requires complementary multidisciplinary skills combining economics, biotechnology, green chemistry, and life cycle analysis, process innovation for intensive and eco-engineered bioprocesses.
Rendez-vous Sustainable Development in Paris
21ST CENTURY Environment and Energy: The challenge by France Objective To offer students a unique opportunity to discover France and to get a life-c
Rendez-vous Aeronautics / Aerospace in Toulouse and Paris
Discover the French know-how in Aeronautics & Aerospace Who is eligible? Students in engineering and technology, over 18 years old. 1 week
Summer course Computational Fluid Dynamics applications in Aeronautical Engineering
STUDY IN ENGLISH AND DISCOVER PARIS! AIM Learn and operate CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) tools to understand and predict aeronautical systems p
Summer school Biochemical engineering
The course combines grounding in the field of life sciences (molecular biology, biochemistry, enzymology and microbiology) and in engineering sciences