
Official title: Post Master degree : Construction project management


Training duration

1 year

Average academic cost found without insurance

15 000€


Accreditation Provider: CGE

Prerequisite of the training

Master (or equivalent)

Formation type

  • Initial education


  • Sustainable Development, Innovative products, materials, Strategic Management , Modeling, Construction

M1 section is taught by

  • Aix en Provence, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, La Rochelle, Nanterre

M2 section is taught by

  • N/A

Training description

Chantiers à l’international, équipes multiculturelles, concurrence accrue, BIM et maquette numérique… dans une conjoncture marquée par l’accroissement de la concurrence internationale et une tension économique, les nouveaux leviers de croissance résident dans le développement durable et la construction responsable. CESI École d’Ingénieurs a parfaitement intégré ces enjeux, et vous propose des cursus Mastère Spécialisé® en BTP à destination des experts de demain. Ce sont des diplômes accessibles après un bac +5, labellisés par la Conférence des Grandes Écoles et permettant l’obtention d’un titre RNCP (Répertoire national des certifications) de niveau I.

Marqué par les enjeux de développement durable, la montée en puissance des outils numériques et des nouveaux process de management, le secteur de la construction et du BTP fait sa révolution. Les professionnels du domaine ont donc une carte à jouer en se dotant d’expertises pointues. Près des trois quarts des entreprises du BTP intègrent les nouvelles technologies et les démarches d’innovation dans leur stratégie*.

Major in BIM

Language level prerequisites

The minimum language level required, namely : B1+ in French will be verified no later than end of April, 2025 (to be confirmed in your academic offer)

Course language

Only French

Language requirement to graduate


M1 Part


Aix en Provence, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, La Rochelle, Nanterre
CESI Ecole d'Ingénieurs - 1 avenue général de Gaulle -Tour PB5, 6me étage- 92800 Puteaux- FRANCE

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Project management 7.00 84.00 French
Multicultural team management 4.00 35.00 French
Construction law 4.00 35.00 French
Professional thesis 30.00 91.00 French


Credits Hours Language
BIM environment, tools and regulations 7.00 95.00 French
BIM Strategies and development 3.00 53.00 French
Bim projects management 5.00 53.00 French

Major in International projects

Language level prerequisites

The minimum language level required, namely : B1+ in French will be verified no later than end of April, 2025 (to be confirmed in your academic offer)

Course language

Only French

Language requirement to graduate


M1 Part


Aix en Provence, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, La Rochelle, Nanterre
CESI Ecole d'Ingénieurs - 1 avenue général de Gaulle -Tour PB5, 6me étage- 92800 Puteaux- FRANCE

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Project management 7.00 84.00 French
Multicultural team management 4.00 35.00 French
Construction law 4.00 35.00 French
Professional thesis 30.00 91.00 French

International projects

Credits Hours Language
Regulations and techniques 5.00 77.00 French
Strategies and international development 5.00 70.00 French
International projects management 5.00 77.00 French

Major in Railway, urban transportation and innovative mobilities

Language level prerequisites

The minimum language level required, namely : B1+ in French will be verified no later than end of April, 2025 (to be confirmed in your academic offer)

Course language

Only French

Language requirement to graduate


M1 Part


Aix en Provence, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, La Rochelle, Nanterre
CESI Ecole d'Ingénieurs - 1 avenue général de Gaulle -Tour PB5, 6me étage- 92800 Puteaux- FRANCE

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Project management 7.00 84.00 French
Multicultural team management 4.00 35.00 French
Construction law 4.00 35.00 French
Professional thesis 30.00 91.00 French

Railway, urban transportation and innovative mobilities

Credits Hours Language
organization and Railway, urban and innovative transportation stakes 5.00 85.00 French
Infrastructures and railway equipment design 8.00 95.00 French
Rail works management 2.00 28.00 French

Major in Sustainable constructions

Language level prerequisites

The minimum language level required, namely : B1+ in French will be verified no later than end of April, 2025 (to be confirmed in your academic offer)

Course language

Only French

Language requirement to graduate


M1 Part


Aix en Provence, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, La Rochelle, Nanterre
CESI Ecole d'Ingénieurs - 1 avenue général de Gaulle -Tour PB5, 6me étage- 92800 Puteaux- FRANCE

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Project management 7.00 84.00 French
Multicultural team management 4.00 35.00 French
Construction law 4.00 35.00 French
Professional thesis 30.00 91.00 French

Sustainable constructions

Credits Hours Language
Sustainable construction and regulations 5.00 49.00 French
Norms and labels 2.00 21.00 French
Energy and environment performance 8.00 112.00 French