Discover the French know-how & higher education in sciences & technologies
The objective of this exceptional event is to host a selection of future “ambassadors” of the French HE consortium of institutes to students from your country in preparation for their “study abroad” project.
Discover and appreciate not only the French culture but also get an insight into the French know-how in Science and Technology and top higher education institutes.
Who is eligible?
Presidents, deans, professors and International Relations staff from universities in partnership with Network n+i (or willing to become a partner)
Scientific activities
Meeting with French officials in Higher Education
French Engineering Institutes association and "n+i"
Consortium National Accreditation Agency for Engineering institutions
Civil engineering : Train station construction at La Défense
Architecture: Visit of “La Grande Arche”
Tour of the “Versailles “ Palace
Visits of four Engineering institutions and Research
Laboratories Visit of Synchotron “SOLEIL”
Discovery of Paris
Cultural activities
Cruise on the river Seine
Eiffel tower
Montmartre: the artist district
Montparnasse tower
The palace of Versailles
Fully English-taught program and visits
Accommodation: hostels (single room)
Full board
Local transfers during the whole week (except airport/hotel) Insurances
Visitor's guide Hotline assistance
Rendez-vous Aeronautics / Aerospace in Toulouse and Paris
Discover the French know-how in Aeronautics & Aerospace Who is eligible? Students in engineering and technology, over 18 years old. 1 week
Green Innovation
Driven by its values and renowned for its ability to innovate as well as its commitment to the ecological transition, CESI is organizing a Summer Scho
Summer school Initiation to computer-based instrumentation
The general objectives are to acquire knowledge in the field of the measurement and data acquisition using computers and to determine the import
Rendez-vous Sustainable Development in Paris
21ST CENTURY Environment and Energy: The challenge by France Objective To offer students a unique opportunity to discover France and to get a life-c