
Official title: Thermal Science and Energy

Polytech Nantes

Training duration

2 years

Average academic cost found without insurance

11 300€


Accreditation Provider: En cours

Prerequisite of the training

Bachelor (or equivalent)

Formation type

  • Initial education


  • Thermal transfer, Fluid mechanics, Energy, Engineering

M1 section is taught by

  • UFR Sciences et Techniques

M2 section is taught by

  • Polytech' Nantes

Training description

Master 1 is taught in French only at Nantes University.
The Master's Degree is a two-year degree. At Polytech' Nantes, only the second year is accessible so applicants should hold a degree which validates at least 4-years in higher education (i.e a 3-year Bachelor is not acceptable) and shoulld be in one of the following fields:
- mathematics
- thermodynamics
- heat transfer
- fluid mechanics
- digital methods (coding)

Thermal Science and Energy

Language level prerequisites

The minimum language level required, namely : B2 in English will be verified no later than end of April, 2024 (to be confirmed in your academic offer)

Course language

Only English

Language requirement to graduate


M1 Part




UFR Sciences et Techniques
2, rue de la Houssinière - BP 92208
44322 Nantes Cedex 3

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Graphes 2.00 24.00 French
Complexité et algorithmes 2.00 24.00 French
Anglais scientifique 2.00 20.00 French
Communication, connaissance de l'entreprise 2.00 12.00 French
Introduction à la recherche 1.00 12.00 French
Management à Visée Innovante et Entrepreunariale 3.00 25.00 French
Web des données, web sémantique 5.00 32.00 French
Web & Cloud and Datastores 4.00 24.00 French
Graphes II et Réseaux 4.00 24.00 French
Analyse des données 5.00 32.00 French
Langages de programmation de haut-niveau 3.00 24.00 French


Credits Hours Language
Machine Learning 2.00 24.00 French
Data Mining 2.00 24.00 French
Compilation 2.00 24.00 French
Ethique et numérique 2.00 12.00 French
Research Project 10.00 4.00 French
Anglais pour la communication scientifique 2.00 10.00 French
Applications industrielles sur les données 1.00 16.00 French
Bases de données évoluées 3.00 24.00 French
Choose 1 option(s) in 3 Bouquet
Bouquet 1: Programmation multi-coeurs / Decision Engineering 6.00 48.00 French
Bouquet 2: Systèmes temps réel embarqués / Ingénierie des réseaux 6.00 48.00 French
Bouquet 3: Probabilistic models / Interaction and applications 6.00 48.00 French

M2 Part


Polytech' Nantes
La chantrerie, rue C. Pauc, 44306 Nantes cedex 03

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Fundamentals of heat transfer 8.00 60.00 English
Experimental and numerical methods 8.00 60.00 English
Fluid mechanics 5.00 45.00 English
Heat transfer in solids and heterogeneous media 6.00 50.00 English
Energy systems 3.00 40.00 English


Credits Hours Language
Internship 30.00 Fr or En